Sicherheitsfreigabe 2/2137, 3/1338, 1/2000 oder allgemeines Sicherheitslevel 3 benötigt
Dokumentenart: Protokoll
Freischaltung durch: Dr. Sean ███, Vice Director of MTF Theta-90 ("Angle Grid")
Protokoll: #82929
Datum: 29.12.2020
Zeitstempel: 19:13 Uhr (MCT)
Individueller Digit-Code: 01726-0028-8116
Protokollant: Dr. Leon Schlingell, Site Director von Site-█
zusätzliche Informationen: Fortsetzung des Protokolls #█████
O4 Freigabe von O5-██ ("The ███" - Uwe) am 28.11.2020, 23:56 Uhr CEST erhalten. Zugang zu O4< Dokumenten freigegeben.
Nach einer erfolgreichen Freigabe durch O5-██ wurden die Forschungsarbeiten um das Dossier wieder aufgenommen. Um 08:01 (MCT) wurde von dem finanziellem Arm des O4 Command South Turkey and Cyprus und der European Research Centre of Multidimensional Development and Emergence (Ein verdeckter, zentraler Forschungsstandort der SCP Foundation. Forscht an Meta- sowie Quantenphysik. Offiziell deklariert als unabhängige Forschungseinrichtung, die von der EU finanziert wird) eine Beihilfe von █████ US-Dollar oder █████ türkischer Lira oder █████ Euro vergeben. Durch diese Summe wurde das Team Omega-2 (an Anlehnung an ██ █████████Forschungsteam von SCP-███.
Mitglieder des Omega-2 Teams können aus beiliegendem Dokument entnommen werden.
Zitat von beiliegendem Dokument (S.38, Absatz 2 - Absatz 6, Z.12 - Z.35, Auszug)Alles anzeigenDie aktiven [...] Mitglieder umfassen [ungeordnet]:
- Dr. phil. Jefferson
- Dr. h.c. rer. nat. Arnold
- Prof Dr. phil. Chwalek
- Alfred Antson
- Junior Researcher Gustavson
- Junior Researcher Martinus
- Prof. Dr. med et phil. e.h. habil. Lang
- Special Agent Rad
- Supervisior Agent Brückchen
- Admin. Fox
- Director Dr. Shakur
- Director Dr. Leon Schlingell
Die Forschungsarbeiten laufen bis jetzt an. Seiten 5 und 16 konnten dank neuestem █████-Verfahren teilweise wieder leserlich gemacht werden. Analysten bestimmten das Alter auf 1121 Jahre.
This document is classified under 2/1338. Any unauthorized access will punished immediately.
SCP-1338 seems to be [corroborated by Dr. █████] a 15-year-old teenage boy of unknown origin and indeterminate ethnicity. During the interviews he [it] wears a black gown. Researches led to the conclusion that the gown is originated in the 9th century AD.
SCP-1338 does not have a special body language; as a matter of fact, he rarely uses gestural elements in general. Because of his long marches and 1338's climbing training he is a good physical condition. SCP-1338 is approximately 6"4" feet tall and has a slim caucasian skin with a tan. He [it] is a modest person who does not want to own more than he really needs (c.f. interview log 1Y, ll. 17-23). The humanoid is also courageous because he crosses big distances on his own just to see his father ( "My father was very weak, and my mother couldn’t leave where she was, so I went to see him.", interview log 1338-9- ██, ll.15 - 17). SCP-1338 is determined to heal his father ("I’m trying to heal him.", interview log 1338-9-██, l.26). Said SCP is also honest and caring (" I can help. Like with that man. I helped him heal better", interview log 1338-1-██, l.11). When Dr. Kiryu thanked him for the healing of the unknown men, he was thankfully and also surprised as he admits "You’re welcome. [pause] No one ever comes back to say thank you." (interview log 1338-1-██ , ll.4-5).
The humanoid is a curious being because he asked the researcher what he is doing and why ("What are you doing?" & "Why?", interview log 1338-1-██, l.5 and l.7). SCP-1338 is cooperative and calm, even while beeing in helicopter (refers to Addendum 1338-3).
His motivations are clear: His main priority is meeting and healing his father. Therefore he is orientanting his life after that goal. His motivations also refer to that goal. We do not have enough knowledge about his moral standings, but we suppose them to be equal to "normal" standards humans have.
SCP-1338 is in a relaxed mood and does not attempt to use violence against other human beings.
SCP-1338 can only speak English with a yet strange, unknown accent. He [it] uses basic grammar and sentence structure which are sometimes not correct. Nonetheless, you are always able to understand him, even with basic english skills.
1338 has a very good relationship to his parents, he takes about his sick mother and his dad. It is unknown if he has any other family members alive, but he mentions that that he "talk to his friends [of his father] a lot though, so it’s not too bad." (ll.26-27, interview log 1338-9-███).
In conclusion you can say that SCP-1338 is a sentinel and intelligent human being, with a few harmless anomalic abilities.
You do not recognize the bodies in the water.
You do not recognize...
[...] is according to SCP-2?16 a threat which has █████ [UNLESERLICH]
not neutralized [UNLESERLICH] yet.